Trend Options


See Also:

Mann-Kendall Trend Analysis

Sen's Slope Estimator

Seasonal Kendall Analysis



Mann-Kendall Options


Confidence Level -- Enter the confidence level desired for the Mann-Kendall trend analysis. Valid values range from 50 to 99.99 percent.



Seasonal Kendall Options


Confidence Level --Enter the confidence level desired for the Seasonal Kendall analysis. Valid values range from 50 to 99.99 percent.


Seasons Per Year -- Select the number of seasons per year for the Seasonal Kendall analysis.


Season Start Date -- Select the start date for the first season in the Seasonal Kendall analysis.



Sen's Slope Estimator Options


Confidence Level -- Enter the desired confidence level for the Sen's Slope Estimator analysis. Note that this is a two-tailed analysis so that the alpha = (1 - confidence level)/2.