Slippage Non-Parametric Test


See Also:

Slippage Non-Parametric Test

Wilcoxon Non-Parametric Group Comparison

Gehan's Non-Parametric Test

Quantile Non-Parametric Test




The Slippage test is provided in the U.S. Navy 1999 Guidance Document as a test to determine if compliance point measurements are statistically elevated when compared to background. It is a non-parametric test, and therefore a normal distribution is not required, and the test is suitable for any number of non-detects. In ChemStat, the test can be performed at the 99% or 95% confidence levels.





Use the Slippage test to determine if compliance measurements as a group are statistically elevated when compared to background as a group. The test can not be used to determine statistically elevated levels at individual monitoring points.





The test is very simple to run, however it requires a large number of samples to provide sufficient power to be practical. Refer to the U.S. Navy 1999 Guidance Document for recommend numbers of samples.