Parametric Prediction Limit with Resampling



See Also:

Parametric Prediction Limit

Non-Parametric Prediction Limit

Poisson Tolerance Limit





This is the Parametric Prediction Limit with verification resampling as described in the USEPA Draft Unified Guidance Document Chapter 13 (September 2004).


The method supports the following resampling scenarios:

  • 1 of 2
  • 1 of 3
  • 1 of 4
  • Modified California


The parametric prediction limit requires that data be normally distributed or can be transformed to a normal distribution.


The method is available only as a one-sided comparison. All samples collected are assumed to be independent.




The Prediction Limit with Resampling differs from most other tests in ChemStat in two ways:

1. A single run of the test applies to multiple chemical parameters

2. The background data can be limited to a specific end date.


To begin the test, select Analysis | Prediction Limit Test | Unified Guidance with Verification Resampling.


You must specify default options to run the test. Specify options from Options | Resampling Options.





Because all applicable parameters are tested in a single run of the test, it is not appropriate to run multiple tests with different groups of parameters. The test should be run only once for each sampling event. That run should include all applicable parameters and wells.


All samples are assumed to be independent.