Non-Parametric Confidence Interval
Non-Parametric Confidence Interval
The non-parametric Confidence Interval Test provides a method to compare the concentrations of parameters in a well to a comparison level such as a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) or Alternate Contaminant Level (ACL).
This method follows the procedures described in the USEPA 1989 document "Statistical Analysis of Ground Water Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Interim Final Guidance," page 6-8.
The Non-Parametric Confidence Interval used to compare well measurements to a comparison level such as an MCL or ACL. Normality of data is not required and the test is suitable for a high percentage of non-detects.
ChemStat implements the non-parametric confidence interval as described in the USEPA 1989 Guidance Document beginning on page 6-8.