Multiple Well Graph
Multiple Well Time-Series Graph
See Also:
Multiple Parameter Time-Series Graph
This view displays a plot of the concentration of one parameter for multiple wells over time. The concentration is plotted along the vertical axis and the sample date is plotted along the horizontal axis. The date axis is scaled such that the space between tick marks is proportional to the time between sampling events.
Action Limit Comparison:
The multiple well time-series graph can also be used as a compliance limit comparison. The parameter specific comparison level is plotted on the graph. If plotted concentrations exceed the comparison level, contamination is indicated. To selected this option, select Action Limit Comparison from the right-click context menu on the graph.
Selecting a Well:
When this graph is activated (made the active window), the well selection window will be displayed (if the window is not visible, select Show Well Window from the right-click menu accessed over the graph). Use the well selection window to select wells to graph. Any combination of wells can be selected.
To select individual wells, click on the well in the well selection list box. To select background wells only, click on the Background button. To select compliance wells only, click on the Compliance button. To select all wells, click on the All Wells button. To deselect all wells, click on the None button. After the desired wells have been selected, click on the Apply button to update the graph.
The parameter is still selected from the drop-down parameter list box under the main menu, however the well selection in the drop-down well list box under the main menu is ignored.
Several options specific to the multiple well graph are available from the right-click menu.
Connection Line -- This sub-menu controls how plotted points are connected.
Symbol Rotation -- This sub-menu controls which symbols are used to plot points. Each well is plotted in one of eight colors. If there are more than eight wells, the color rotation starts again at the first color. The following symbol options are available.
Same -- The same symbol will be used until the eight available colors have been used. Then the next symbol in the sequence will be used. The initial symbol is the symbol selected for detect values from Options | Graph Symbols. Seven different symbols are available.
Unique -- Each well is plotted with a different symbol. Seven symbols are available. The initial symbol is the symbol selected for detect values from Options | Graph Symbols.
Character -- Each well is plotted with alphabetical character values starting with "A".
Background/Compliance -- Background and compliance wells are displayed with unique symbols.
Action Limit Comparison -- If this option is selected, plotted points will be compared to a specified comparison level (such as MCL).