Gehan's Non-Parametric Test
Gehan's Non-Parametric Test
See Also:
Wilcoxon Non-Parametric Group Comparison
Gehan's test is provided in the U.S. Navy 1999 Guidance Document as a test to determine if compliance point measurements are statistically elevated when compared to background. It is a non-parametric test, and therefore a normal distribution is not required, and the test is suitable for any number of non-detects. In ChemStat, the test can be performed at the 99% or 95% confidence levels.
Use Gehan's test to determine if compliance measurements as a group are statistically elevated when compared to background as a group. The test can not be used to determine statistically elevated levels at individual monitoring points.
At least 10 measurements from compliance points and 10 measurements from background monitoring points are required to run this test.