Coefficient of Variation

Test for Normality


Other Normality Tests:

Shapiro-Wilks Test

Shapiro-Francia Test

D'Agostino's Test

Probability Plot



The coefficient of variation is an analytical method used to test the normal distribution of the data. The Coefficient of variation is the sample standard deviation divided by the sample mean. If the CV is less than 1, the distribution is considered normally distributed.


ChemStat implements the coefficient of variation for all monitoring locations for the selected parameter. The distribution for each individual monitoring location is tested for normality. Also tested is the pooled data for all monitoring locations.





Use to test for normality or transformed-normality. The Coefficient of variation in fast and easy, but may not be as reliable as other methods.






The 1992 guidance recommends the Shapiro-Wilks test and the Shapiro-Francia tests as superior alternatives to the coefficient of variation.