Configure Data Maps


See Also:

Import Data Maps

Importing Laboratory Data


Configure Location Import Map -- Click this button to configure how sampling location information is mapped from the source file or database to ChemPoint. If the current source file or table does not contain detailed location information, you do not need to configure a location map.


Configure Sampling Date Import Map -- Click this button to configure how sampling date information is mapped from the source file or database to ChemPoint. If the current source file or table does not contain detailed sampling date information, you do not need to configure a sampling date map.


Configure Container Import Map -- Click this button to configure how sample container information is mapped from the source file or database to ChemPoint. If the current source file or table does not contain detailed container information, you do not need to configure a container map.


Configure Analysis Import Map -- Click this button to configure how laboratory analyses are mapped from the source file or database to ChemPoint. If the current source file or table does not contain detailed analysis information, you do not need to configure an analysis map.