Microsoft SQL Server Connection String Builder

See Also:

Connection String References 

Use this dialog to specify the server and connection parameters for a Microsoft SQL Server database. 

Data Source (server) -- This is the name of the server containing the Microsoft SQL Server database. If the database is local, you can enter the value "(local)" without the quotes.

Catalog (Database Name) -- This is the "catalog" name of the source database on the specified server.

User ID -- This is the user ID for login to the SQL Server database. This value may not be necessary for your specific database.

Password -- This is the password for login to the SQL Server database. This value may not be necessary for your specific database.

Database Type -- Select the database type string and parameters. This is the database connection string, however, database specific values are represented with field codes enclosed in "<<>>".

Provider=MSOLEDBSQL;Server=<<DataSource>>;Database=<<Catalog>>; Trusted_Connection=yes;

Connection String:

This is the connection string for the connection to the database. The database connection string will be assembled from the database type string specified above. Field codes will be replaced with the specified values.

For connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database on the local machine, with the catalog name "database_name", and no user ID or password, you would use the following connection string:

Provider=MSOLEDBSQL; Server=(local); Database=database_name;Trusted_Connection=yes;