Export for Contouring
Export for Contouring
See Also:
This dialog allows the exporting of data to text files for importing into contouring packages. ChemPoint does not actually contour the values, but writes a text file that can be imported into other commercial contouring packages. Use the Contouring View to contour data in ChemPoint Professional. Data is written in tab delimited format with the following columns:
Location Label Easting Northing Value
Location Label is the label of the well and is optional (see options below).
Easting and Northing are the surveyed coordinates of the sample location.
Value is the parameter concentration or surface elevation as indicated.
If values of easting and northing are not available, the value will not be written to the file. All concentrations are reported in part-per-billion units when a conversion factor is available.
- Select the date to export.
- Select an destination file name from the Select button.
- Specify the name of the parameter to export.
- Specify whether or not to include monitoring well label. Do not include the monitoring well label if you want the file in XYZ tab delimited format.
- Press the Export button to create the file.
Include Location Label -- If this box is checked, the first column is the well label resulting in four columns total. If this box is not checked, the well label is not included in the file, and the first column is the easting. Do not include the monitoring well label if you want the file in XYZ tab delimited format.
Report Non-Detects as Zero -- If this box is checked, non-detects will be reported as zero concentration.
Report Non-Detects at Detection Limit -- If this box is checked, non-detects will be reported at their detection limit.